2019 TIMA Global Forum
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Content will be continuously updated once TIMA 2019 commences on March, 29, 2019 at 8AM PST/11 AM EDT.
Sunday 3/31 星期日
TIMA 2019 Global Forum: Behind the Scenes
Countless hours, hundreds of volunteers, exceptional teamwork and boundless enthusiasm were each infused into our 2019 TIMA Global Forum from start to finish. Meet some of the devoted Tzu Chi volunteers who helped make the special annual event a great success!
Recap: The 2019 TIMA Global Forum Comes to a Close
Countries from across the globe were represented by bright, innovative minds and compassionate hearts at the 2019 TIMA Global Forum for Enlightened Wellness. Hear the sincere hopes and aspirations of attendees as the forum concluded with a special ceremony commemorating Tzu Chi USA’s 30th anniversary.
Sharing + Closing Ceremony
TIMA 2019 comes to a close with the Sharing and Closing Ceremony.
Int’l Disaster Relief + Medical Mission + Sustainable Development
The last day of TIMA 2019 opens with a lecture series on International Disaster Relief from Stephen Huang, Executive Director of Global Volunteers of the Tzu Chi Foundation. Following that is William Keh’s, CEO of Tzu Chi Medical Foundation and TIMA USA Team, presentation International Medical Mission and Powen Yen’s, CEO of Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, presentation Global Risks, and Sustainable Development.
Saturday 3/30 星期六
Sharing + Closing Ceremony
TIMA 2019 will come to a close with the Sharing and Closing Ceremony.
Tzu Chi USA 30th Anniversary Party
The second day of TIMA 2019 comes to a close with the Tzu Chi USA 30th Anniversary Party, a festive celebration honoring 30 successful years of international compassion and relief.
Acupuncture at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital
Dr. Tsung-Jung Ho, Vice Superintendent of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, presents a lecture on Acupuncture Clinical Model of Integrative East-West Medicine and Its Application in Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital.
Artificial Intelligence at Tzu Chi Medical + Directional Acupuncture
Tune in for a lecture series on the use of A.I. in acupuncture techniques in Artificial Intelligence/Computer-Assisted Diagnosis and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Dr. Ta-Tung Lin, Professor at University of East and West Medicine. The exploration of advances in acupuncture treatments and techniques continues with Dr. Andrew Qi Wu’s presentation, Wu’s Directional Acupuncture System.
運用人工智慧和電腦輔助中醫診斷及治療 + 吳式灸法
想不想見證傳統中醫走向未來? Ta-Tung Lin醫生是結合中西醫的大拿,讓他帶領我們,邁入運用人工智慧和電腦輔助中醫診斷及治療。
Neurosurgery at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital + Knee Health & Osteoarthritis
Dr. Shinn-Zong Lin, neurosurgeon and Superintendent at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, shares the latest medical innovations and advancements in his lecture series on Neurosurgical Advancements in Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. This is followed by Knee Health Promotion Option (KHPO) – A Total Solution for Knee Osteoarthritis, a presentation on tactics for preserving knee health and deterring osteoarthritis, given by Dr. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Department of Education Chief and Joint Center Chief of Tzu Chi Da-Lin General Hospital. Translation provided by Dr. Mike Liao.
花蓮慈院腦神經外科新進步 + 膝關節健康-談膝關節炎
另外,Shaw-Ruey Lyu醫生,將為大家科普膝關節炎,推廣膝關節健康。他來自台灣的慈濟大林綜合醫院,擔任教育部和膝關節中心部長。
Cancer Medicine + Work & Mindfulness Donation
Next, the intersection between precision medicine and A.I. is explored in the presentation, Emerging Issues in Cancer Medicine: Focusing on Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence by Dr. Yen Yun, Board of Directors of the Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, followed by Lindsey E. Kugel’s, Director of Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, lecture series on Integrating Mindfulness Into a High-Paced Care-Providing Workplace.
2019年慈濟全球人醫論壇的現場直播繼續推出重點研討「癌症新議題」,特別關注精準醫療(Precision Medicine)和人工智慧,演講者是來自臺灣慈濟醫療基金會董事會成員閻雲 博士。
之後,由Google企業衍伸出來的探索內在非營利組織siyli (Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute)的琳西·庫蓋歐女士(Lindsey Kugel)帶來的「照護用心」,將介紹在快節奏工作環境中,如何護理我們的心靈。
Keynote + East-West Medicine
The second day of TIMA 2019 opens with an introductory Keynote Speech from Ted W. Lieu, United States Congressperson, and Tenaya Wallace. Following that is a lecture series from Dr. Ka-Kit Hui, Director of UCLA Center for East-West Medicine, on Health for All Through Integrative East-West Medicine: UCLA CEWM – Tzu Chi Medical.
加州聯邦眾議員劉雲平(Ted Liu, U.S. Representative)和鼓舞人心的Tenaya Wallace的主題演講,給新的一天注入活力。
隨後,加州大學洛杉磯分校中西醫主任 Ka Kit Hui博士(Director, UCLA Center for East-West Medicine)透過「中西醫全民醫療」分析中西醫結合對身心靈全方位治療的重要性。
Friday 3/29 星期五
Da Ai TV + Multimedia and Medicine + See 2 Succeed
The last series of presentations for the first day of TIMA 2019 includes Roger Yi-Chun Hsiao’s, Deputy Director of DaAi TV, lecture Great Love Illuminates the World, which expands on the Enlightened Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit theme for this year’s forum. Subsequently, Dr. Sou Hsin Chien, Superintendent of Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, explores the connection between Multimedia and Medicine. The first day of TIMA 2019 comes to a close with a final presentation by Steven Voon, EVP of Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, on educational reforms in See 2 Succeed—A School-Based Vision Project for Underserved Children.
大愛讓世界亮起來+媒體與醫療來+看見成功 – 校園視力計畫
最後的節目是慈濟美國醫療基金會副執行長溫俊強 StevenVoon提供的「看見成功 – 校園視力計畫」 ,為2019年全球人醫論壇第一天的活動畫上圓滿的句號。
Ethical Eating, Digestive Health & Caring for the Elderly
A presentation on Eating for the Planet: Solutions for Climate Change & Public Health given by Dr. Maria Cristina Tirado-von der Pahlen, Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, followed by a lecture series on digestive health from Dr. Shelly Lu, Director of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases, in Introducing Cedars-Sinai, the Division of Digestive and Liver Disease, and Research on Fatty Liver Disease. Following these presentations, Katherine A. Kirchhoff, Senior Banker at Cain Brothers’ Capital Markets Group, shares her lecture on Innovative Ways of Taking Care of Your Elderly Patients, and Dr. Aaron T. Hagedorn, Instructional Associate Professor at USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, explores the intersection between A.I. and the elderly in Artificial Intelligence for Lonely Older Adults.
加州大學洛杉磯分校公共健康系副教授克莉絲丁納·提拉朵博士(Cristina Tirado, Adjunct Associate Professor at UCLA),講解「為地球而吃:氣候變化和公共衛生的解決方案」。
美國洛杉磯最大非營利醫療研究中心,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center消化系統和肝病科主任 Shelly Lu博士,匯報她在肝肥大病上的最新研究結果。
這段直播的最後,獻給所有家中有老年病患的家庭。「老人照護」主講者凱西·克爾卡夫(Kathy Kirchoff)從財務的創新角度分享照顧老年患者的方法。另外南加州大學教授安朗·赫東(Aaron Hagedorn, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology)博士,向我們展示「人工智慧」如何解決輔助老人生活起居的安全和健康問題。
Tzu Chi Medical's Silent Mentor Program and Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation
Dr. Guo-Fang Tseng, Vice President of Tzu Chi University, shares insight on The Silent Mentor Program: The Body Donation and Medical Education Program of Tzu Chi. Subsequently, Thomas Mone, CEO of OneLegacy, expands on the role of body donation in medical education in Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation in the U.S. and Asia: Helping Donors and Families Leave a Legacy of Life.
慈濟大學副校長 曾國藩博士, 為您講解器官捐贈者「無語良師」在推動醫療教育進程中無可替代的貢獻。
隨後,世界知名的器官捐贈非營利組織OneLegacy 首席執行長 湯姆·穆內(Tom Mone, One Legacy CEO),也將加入這個重要議題,透過「器官及組織捐贈」主題,告訴您美國和亞洲地區器官、眼睛和組織捐贈的現狀。
2019 TIMA Opening Ceremony
The Opening Ceremony of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association’s annual gathering (TIMA 2019) features opening remarks on Enlightened Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit—this year’s theme—from professionals within the public sphere, including Connie Leyva, California State Senator, and Kathryn Barger, L.A. County Supervisor. Following the Opening Ceremony, Dr. Chin Lon Lin, Chief Convener of TIMA and CEO of Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, provides a presentation on Humanistic Medicine.
來自世界各地的醫療健康領域專家齊聚加州聖諦瑪斯(San Dimas), 以「健康心覺醒:從身心靈探討健康促進」為主題,全面解讀人體有形和無形的健康奧秘。
論壇由加州州參議員康妮·雷瓦(Connie Leyva)和洛縣縣政委員凱瑟琳·巴格(Kathryn Barger)為這場全球醫療盛會揭開序幕。
緊接著,國際慈濟人醫會首席召集人 林俊龍醫學博士,主講「醫療人文」,探討如何讓醫療不再只是治病的技術,更加上人道的關懷。
Wednesday 3/27 星期三
Presentation from Dr. Shinn-Zong Lin, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital
We’re pleased to have Dr. Shinn-Zong Lin, Superintendent of Taiwan’s esteemed Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, give this presentation as we welcome the 2019 TIMA Global Forum on March 29, 2019. He is also the president of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation’s Bio-Innovation Center, and we are privileged to have him share more about his experience with our colleagues in the United States.
Roger Yi-Chun Hsiao, Deputy Director of Taiwan’s Da Ai TV
Tzu Chi USA is honored to welcome Roger Yi-Chun Hsiao, Deputy Director of Taiwan’s Da Ai TV in celebration of Tzu Chi USA’s 30th Anniversary of service as well as the 2019 TIMA Global Forum. In today’s current media climate, Roger is ready to share his passion for creating media with purpose- the kind that fosters understanding, social good, and love.
2019 TIMA Global Forum: “Enlightened Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit”
Tzu Chi USA’s 2019 TIMA Global Forum, an annual event where our medical volunteers gather to discuss humanistic healthcare, is coming up. This year, medical professionals and volunteers will join together for “Enlightened Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit” in San Dimas, California to participate in a variety of workshops ranging from Alternative Medicine Treatments to Integrated Eastern Western and Medicine.
來自世界各地的醫療健康領域專家齊聚加州聖諦瑪斯(San Dimas), 以「健康心覺醒:從身心靈探討健康促進」為主題,全面解讀人體有形和無形的健康奧秘。
2019 TIMA Global Forum: “Enlightened Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit”
Tzu Chi USA’s 2019 TIMA Global Forum, an annual event where our medical volunteers gather to discuss humanistic healthcare, is coming up. This year, medical professionals and volunteers will join together for “Enlightened Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit” in San Dimas, California to participate in a variety of workshops ranging from Alternative Medicine Treatments to Integrated Eastern Western and Medicine.